How to link Aadhaar with Voter ID All Indians above the age of 18 years are granted the right to vote in elections on the basis of one person, one vote. However some entities abuse this privilege and have multiple voter ID cards issued in the name of a single individual. In order to eradicate this menace, the Government has taken the step of linking an individual’s voter ID card (known as EPIC) with their Aadhaar card. The Aadhaar card is a unique ID issued to an individual that is valid throughout the individual's lifetime. As an Aadhaar card requires an individual's biometric information such as their fingerprint and iris scans, an individual can have only one Aadhaar number issued to them. Thus, linking the Aadhaar with the EPIC is an effective way to get rid of bogus or multiple voter ID cards in a single individual's name. Process of Seeding Aadhaar with EPIC The Aadhaar- EPIC linking process is known as seeding and is carried out through the NVSP portal. The steps t...
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